I'm working to a new store on my website. I'd like use Paypal IPN so my store can process the order automatically.
I use sandbox to make same test of my code however I have some problem (I think). When a user click on buy button of my store he is redirected to paypal website (in this case sandbox page). Then the user make the payment (click on "buy now") and PayPal show a page with a payment overview, in this page there is also a link to return to my store webpage.
From my tests I understand that only when the user click on this link to return to my store the IPN is call. In alternative IPN is not call even if the payment is completed. In fact if I don't click the retutn link the order is not processed from my store but if I click on it all works.
I'd like get payment information between IPN after the real payment also if the user don't click the return link.
Is this possible? How?
Note: on my store I use HTML forms and get paid through PayPal.