I am trying to generate a full rss feed, however when loading the feed in Mail, it just shows the title, with a read more link at the bottom. I have tried several different options. But none seem to work.
I would like to generate the feed with a combination of several feeds in my modl.
Here is the code i have tried:
class LatestEvents(Feed):
description_template = "events_description.html"
def title(self):
return "%s Events" % SITE.name
def link(self):
return '/events/'
def items(self):
events = list(Event.objects.all().order_by('-published_date')[:5])
return events
author_name = 'Latest Events'
def item_pubdate(self, item):
return item.published_date
And in my template which is stored in TEMPLATE_ROOT/feeds/
{{ obj.description|safe }}
<h1>Event Location Details</h1>
{{ obj.location|safe }}
Even if i hard code the description it does not work. The solution below does not work, and testing the feed in Firefox also do not display the content.
Basically i want to create a full feed.