
Is it possible to configure Spring Boot to use a MultiTenantConnectionProvider so that each client of my system connects to their own private database?

Specifically I am looking to use the built-in hibernate support for multi-tenancy:

And this is an example of the sort of config I am after, but I can't figure out how to use this in a Spring Boot setup:

I've tried adding these properties to application.properties:


I've also tried coding up my own CurrentTenantIdentifierResolver and MultiTenantConnectionProvider and tried serving these up from my main @Configuration bean:

public CurrentTenantIdentifierResolver currentTenantIdentifierResolver() {
    return new CurrentTenantIdentifierResolver() {
        public String resolveCurrentTenantIdentifier() {
            // this is never called ...
        public boolean validateExistingCurrentSessions() {
            // this is never called ...

public MultiTenantConnectionProvider multiTenantConnectionProvider() {
    return new AbstractMultiTenantConnectionProvider() {
        protected ConnectionProvider getAnyConnectionProvider() {
            // this is never called ...
        protected ConnectionProvider selectConnectionProvider(String s) {
            // this is never called ...

None of this seems to have any affect so my question is really how to get spring-boot / spring-data to use these multi-tenant classes?

Thanks for your help!

See my question here.<br/> I use a LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean and it works.<br/> But I'm not entirely understand the difference between this and .ymlor.properties.<br/> I agree with @M.Deinum , in yml hibernate controls the lifecycle of mulitTenantConnectionProvider and CurrentTenantIdentifierResolver.But I don't know why.linghu

1 Answers


Any property for JPA/Hibernate that isn't defined can be set using the spring.jpa.properties property in the application.properties.

The sample you link to has 3 properties for multitenancy:

<prop key="hibernate.multiTenancy">SCHEMA</prop>
<prop key="hibernate.tenant_identifier_resolver">com.webapp.persistence.utility.CurrentTenantContextIdentifierResolver</prop>
<prop key="hibernate.multi_tenant_connection_provider">com.webapp.persistence.utility.MultiTenantContextConnectionProvider</prop>

That converted to Spring Boot would be the following properties in the application.properties file.


For your situation (as stated in your question).


It will not work with Spring manged beans as hibernate controls the lifecycle of those instances.

For more properties see the the Spring Boot reference guide.