
I am playing with Apple sample code BTLE_TRANSFER https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/samplecode/BTLE_Transfer/Introduction/Intro.html In the sample, an iOS device "A" sends to another iOS device "B" some "text" (NSString) when B (central) subscribe to characteristic of "A" (peripheral). (The data is cut in pieces then sent by piece until everything is received on the other side)

I modified the code to transfer an image using UIImageJPEGRepresentation method and it is working fine (but takes long when size of the image is over 2 ko)

Now I would like to try to transfer an array of different objects like text, image.

I have tried the code below in the didSubscribeToCharacteristic method (Peripheral Manager side):

NSArray *MyArray;
MyArray = [[NSArray alloc]initWithObjects:@"Text1", @"Text2", nil];
_dataToSend = [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:MyArray];

where _dataToSend is the NSData that is sent

And the code below in the didUpdateValueForCharacteristic method (central side - peripheral delegate):

NSArray *My2Array = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:_dataReceived];
NSLog(@"%@",[My2Array objectAtIndex:1]);

where _dataReceived is the NSData received

Each piece is received on the central side but some parts are "null" and when I try to Unarchive the data to nsarray, it says that the data is NULL.

Am I using the wrong method? Is there any other way to put an nsarray into a nsdata?

Thank you for your help


Have you kept Apple's code where you deal with the fact that the data may be split into multiple transmissions?Paulw11
Hi Paul, Thanks for the reply. Yes I kept everything as it was (including the split part in chunks). I actually succeed with transfering an image using this exact same code apple provided.JimA

1 Answers


The code is actually working...I just retype everything from ground Sorry for bothering