
We are in the process of moving our current IAAS solution over to azure where we host asp.net LOB web applications in IIS with an SQL Server backend.

I’m looking into availability sets. I stumbled upon this article at: http://michaelwasham.com/windows-azure-powershell-reference-guide/understanding_configuring_availability_sets_powershell/

High Available Setup

This seems like how we want to setup our deployment on Azure where the “Web Servers” are our virtual machines. My question relates to how we setup our virtual machines. Currently we have about 200 separate hosted customers on our IAAS solution which means 200 separate web applications in IIS. With a highly available deployment should the Virtual machines be exact replica’s of each other i.e. 200 customers on box 1 and that again on box 2. Or should we spread them over multiple boxes i.e. 0-50 customers on box 1, 50-100 customers on box 2 and so on.

I cant see how the 2nd option spread would work in a highly available set because if 1 box goes down than all the customers on it go down with it?

Little confused, hoping someone has got advice on this?



1 Answers


It would be best to duplicate everything, the azure load balancer (layer 4 balancer) ensures that load is spread across listening endpoints evenly and randomly, so you cannot know which server will answer a request, hence you must have the same configuration on both boxes. Here is some info on the Azure load balancer which you might find interesting, link

Also put them into an availability set so if one of the vm dies for some reason or during updates (which can happen from time to time with vms) you can be sure that at least one of your vms will always be online. You may need more than two vms, it really depends on the amount of traffic each of your clients generate and the load that that creates. But do have atleast two vms.

Just a side note if you haven't used Azure before; it may take you a bit of time to get the cost per vm right over time, but remember to use the schedule to scale up and down to reduce costs and anticipate load on your vms. Also having 4 smaller vms is better than 2 larger vms from a failure point of view and ultimately cost the same over a month. If one large vm dies, you've lost 50% of your capacity to serve your clients, where as if you lost one smaller vm you've only lost 25%.