
I have a simple issue, but I don´t how to solve the problem. Using XPages Mobile controls, I have a document with some actions, and one of them is "Send to Signature". The workflow is: select the signer of document (from names) and send to signature. I need to show for the current user, one field to select the signer (I already have a field with typeahead funcion to select him). I would like to use an intermediate appPage for this, but when I´m in the new appPage, the currentDocument is gone. How can I use the same document (opening from a dataView) for solve this problem? Can I navigate between appPages (inside SinglePageApp) using the currentDocument??

Thanks in advance


1 Answers


It might be worth looking at Mobile Value Picker on OpenNTF. The mobile prefix may need setting in XSP Properties to "Mobile_" (or it could be that I messed around with the development version after the last upload). But it gives code to have a button / link to go to a subsequent appPage to select values from a list. It starts from a DataView, to a document, to the selection page.

The project has not changed for a couple of years, but I've just tested it in Chrome setting user agent to Android and it still seems to work fine on 9.0.1 FP2.