I am having this control and trying to get the offsetWidth,clientWidth and scrollWidth..
<span class="label-block" style="height: 19px; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap;">
<label for="ctl00_Form_PlaceHolder_chkIsAnnualSelfInsuranceRenewalCertificaterequired" id="tid" style="background-color:Transparent;">
Annual Self Insurance Renewal Certificate Required
My code..
var a=$("#tid").offsetWidth;
var b=$("#tid").clientWidth;
var c=$("#tid").scrollWidth;
alert("offset Width =" +a);
alert("client Width =" +b);
alert("scroll Width =" +c);
The alert message displays as "Undefined" I have tried in Chrome and IE11 both results the same.