
I am having this control and trying to get the offsetWidth,clientWidth and scrollWidth..

<span class="label-block" style="height: 19px; text-overflow: ellipsis; overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap;">
<label for="ctl00_Form_PlaceHolder_chkIsAnnualSelfInsuranceRenewalCertificaterequired" id="tid" style="background-color:Transparent;">
Annual Self Insurance Renewal Certificate Required

My code..

var a=$("#tid").offsetWidth;
var b=$("#tid").clientWidth;
var c=$("#tid").scrollWidth;

alert("offset Width =" +a);
alert("client Width =" +b);
alert("scroll Width =" +c);

The alert message displays as "Undefined" I have tried in Chrome and IE11 both results the same.

try logging those variables to make sure you have something in them first.ajmajmajma
the variables are created so it is not possible to have a value in them earlierGowthaman
You are mixing javascript and jquery. offsetWidth for example is used on a js object and you are trying to use it on a jquery objectHuangism

1 Answers


Your $("#tid") returns an jQuery-object (with the DOM-label-element wrapped inside), but the three width are properties of the DOM-element itself. So you have to get the element itself:

var tid = $("#tid").get(0); // or:
var tid = $("#tid")[0]; // or with native javascript:
var tid = document.getElementById("tid");

Now you have the element itself stored in var tid (it's better than writing three times $("#tid")) and can do:

var a = tid.offsetWidth;
var b = tid.clientWidth;
var c = tid.scrollWidth;

According to the comments: these jQuery-methods works also in Chrome when element is display: inline;

var $tid = $("#tid"); // for jQuery-methods we need the jQuery-object

var e = $tid.outerWidth(); // corresponds to offsetWidth
var f = $tid.innerWidth(); // corresponds to clientWidth

Since jQuery has no direct equivalent for element.scrollWidth and inline-elements don't give reliable values for scrollWidth it would be best to set them to display: inline-block;.