How can I call requireJS require(['app'], function() {}); only once at the beginning for the whole application so that any subsequent require(["..."], function(...){}); don't need to be wrapped within require(['app']?
This is my set up:
1) Load require.js
<script data-main="js/app.js" src="requirejs/require.min.js"></script>
2) Have app.js shims and basUrl configured properly.
baseUrl: "scripts/js",
paths: {
"jquery": "../bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min",
"modernizr": "../bower_components/modernizr/modernizr",
shim: {
"jquery.migrate": ['jquery'],
3) Dynamically load JS on different pages:
// Home Page
require(['app'], function() {
require(["jquery", "foundation", "foundation.reveal"], function ($, foundation, reveal){
// Catalog Page
require(['app'], function() {
require(["jquery", "lnav/LeftNavCtrl","controllers/ProductCtrl", "controllers/TabsCtrl"], function ($, NavCtrl, ProductCtrl, TabsCtrl){
$(function() {
Unless I wrap with require(['app'], function()) each time I call require("...") to load external JS or AMD modules, the app is not initialized and I get JavaScript errors. The above code works but it's not very efficient.
Is there a way to start my requireJS app before I try loading scripts?
I tried calling at the very beginning right after I load require.min.js:
require(["app"], function (app) {;
but it didn't work.