When creating per-user php5-fpm pools on an Apache mod_fastcgi setup which of the following is the most secure way and efficient way of granting webserver permissions to the PHP pool?
Option 1:
Set the group to www-data
listen.owner = username
listen.group = www-data
listen.mode = 0660
user = username
group = www-data
While this works files created by PHP would have the ownership set to username:www-data while files uploaded via SCP will have username:username.
Option 2:
Add www-data
to the supplementary group username
listen.owner = username
listen.group = username
listen.mode = 0660
user = username
group = username
usermod -aG username www-data
Which of these options are secure? You may also share a better method.
I checked the following guides:
- http://www.howtoforge.com/php-fpm-nginx-security-in-shared-hosting-environments-debian-ubuntu
- http://www.binarytides.com/php-fpm-separate-user-uid-linux/
But they were all written before bug #67060 was discovered and fixed.