
I am trying to import a large blob field from a MySQL table via SAS ODBC passthrough. The field is larger than the maximum length allowed in SAS. According to SAS 9.2 documentation character type fields can have a maximum length of 32k. Has anyone had experience storing large character fields in SAS? Any suggestions other than the obvious one of breaking it down into smaller substrings?

Thanks Rob

I'm not sure from your question-- are you saying that your field is, or isn't, larger than 32k?Lauren Samuels
Hi Louisa. The blob field I am trying to import from MySQL is larger than 32k. The maximum field size in SAS is 32k. Thanks.Robert Penridge
Well, shoot, then I'm stuck too...Lauren Samuels
Voted to close this as there's a newer, more comprehensive Q/A here stackoverflow.com/questions/24919190/…Robert Penridge

1 Answers


If you REALLY do need all 32K of that data to operate on, I would import it into more than one column and use arrays to iterate over those columns any time you need to do processing.

See RunSubmit.com for more info.