
I have created SpecFlow unit tests, I need to associate my tests to MTM test cases from visual studio. I am using Nunit as a test provider instead of MsTest. I can see my Nunit tests in test explorer, but while trying to associate unit tests to test cases, the list to choose tests from is empty.

1) Do my test provider should be only MsTest to do linkage. 2) During time of linkage, can I change my test provider to MsTest, do the association, and again change my test provider to NUnit.


2 Answers


It seems that what you want is not possible. A similar question has been asked on stackoverflow here and the only answer says its not possible.

Someone also asked on the MSDN forums and the response from there seems to be the same, that it is only possible with MSTest


I know this question is from a few years ago but this is finally available in Visual Studio 2017 15.7.1. You can now associate NUnit and xUnit unit tests from the Test Explorer in Visual Studio. Here is some additional information on this and running the tests from a build or release. http://www.deliveron.com/blog/test-case-association-xunit-nunit-and-mstestv2-tests-available-visual-studio-2017-1571/