I have two answers: what we do and what I suggest for you.
For us, we have a suite of web apps that all have MANY shared components. As such, although this is about 50 different assemblies (VS Projects) and 5-10 solutions (depending on how you look at it), there is very significant overlap across all of them which means we want to use TFS per-dev merging rather than branching and merging those overlapped resources. As such, we actually keep all of this in a single TFS Project. Here is how we have ours setup (names changed to make sense to you):
"Official Projects" (Collection)
"Production Applications" (Project)
"Technology Proof of Concepts" (Project)
"Reference Projects" (Project) - this is a simple solution/projects using our architecture to make our architecture easier to understand as people join our team. Other reference apps will go here in the future.
"TFS Configuration" (Project)
"Playground" (Collection)
"John Doe" (Project)
"Jane Doe" (Project)
"Security Team" (Project)
"Production Test" (Project)
In our setup, we have a place for official company code. In addition, we have an area for people to go goof off without having fear of messing anything up yet while being able to take advantage of various TFS-related benefits.
However, in your scenario, if I'm reading between the lines correctly, I would suggest something different. My assumptions:
- Each project, aside from having some common assemblies (I'm thinking logging, security, and other utility assemblies that are shared company-wide), are unrelated projects.
- The shared/common assemblies are not regularly being changed so you can use DLL references rather than project references where you are always using the latest up-to-the-minute/day version of the code.
- (TFS-based assumption as I'm still learning too) You can branch across Projects from the same Collection but you cannot branch across Collections.
- Other than the above-mentioned shared assemblies, no other code is shared across teams.
So with these assumptions, I would go with something like this:
"Common Resources" (Collection)
"Source" (Project) - everything goes here such as logging assemblies, security assemblies, etc.
"Version 1" (Project) - Branch as you "rev" your common assemblies so people have access to older versions.
"Version 2" (Project)
"Version 3" (Project"
"Team 1" (Collection)
"Project 1"
"Project 2"
"Project 3"
"Project 4"
"Project 5"
"Team 2" (Collection)
"Project 1"
"Project 2"
"Project 3"
"Team 3" (Collection)
"Project 1"
"Project 2"
Doing it this way, you refer to the common assemblies via DLL references. You as the team or dev on a specific project get to decide when you begin to use a newer version of a common assembly. To do this, you simply get latest on that version's branch and then add a reference to it. If my assumption #3 is wrong, then hopefully you can do something better than that. Otherwise, each project has it's own space (that can contain more than just one VS Solution/Project which is a good idea) and your team has it's own collection to stay apart from the other teams.
Just my $0.02 worth...