seems I am too tired to find the solution, maybe someone has a hint for me.
I have built a graph in Neo4J which I connect via neo4jphp (everyman). Using the java browser the graph looks ok, every user exists one time and might have several groups he belongs to.
While creating the user I use MERGE in order to avoid them to be doubled - like
firstname: "Max",
name: "Muster",
ON CREATE SET user.uuid = "'.uniqid().'" // PHP function for a UUID
return user;
This works well as I see the correct number of users even when I resend the query or reload the page.
The users are connected with a query towards groups like this
MATCH (user:PERSON), (team:GROUP)
WHERE "Muster" AND user.firstname="Max" AND"LOCAL_USER"
CREATE (user)-[:IS_MEMBER_OF {role:"user", status:"active"}]->(team);
Checking this in the GUI of Neo4J shows a correct graph (at least from what I can see). I have the right amount of users and their relations.
When I query the graph directly by Cypher in the browser GUI like this
MATCH (user:PERSON {status: "active"})-[relation:IS_MEMBER_OF{status:"active"}]->(team:GROUP {name:"LOCAL_USER"} )
I get the correct number of users.
When I use the neo4jphp lib (everyman) I receive some users double - the resultset has several elements with the same user. I couldnt figure out why they behave differently but I assume that I might have messed up the relations somehow. But still I am wondering why the same cypher query returns different amount of records when you send it via GUI or via everyman lib and I would need a hint how to change maybe the queries to make sure that I only get one record per user as every user is only one time connected to the LOCAL_USER group.
Thanks for pushing me to the right direction.