
I try to copy/export table today, and hit the BigQuery error like following:

{"errorResult":{"message":"Unexpected. Please try again.","reason":"internalError"}, "errors":[{"message":"Unexpected. Please try again.","reason":"internalError"}], "state":"DONE"}

But only the table created today. The old table export / copy works fine.

Is BigQuery having some problem today?

Is there anyone hit the same problem?

Can you share job IDs for the failures? This helps BigQuery engineers to look up internal failure details for your jobs.Danny Kitt
@DannyKitt I just do copy again, and still fail. The job ID is studio-bdi-prod:job_M1KSzS674UC6CXcupdLRrGLU1FY莊仲翔
@JeremyCondit Yes, Thanks. I got it.莊仲翔

1 Answers


All affected tables were cleaned up and should now copy/export successfully -- sorry! (Mentioned on "Unexpected. Please try again" error when copying BigQuery table, but just to have it visible over here.)