I have a rails app using an engine where Sidekiq workers are defined. The worker's perform_async
is invoked in a controller within the engine. The worker's perform
does the work on arguments passed in through that controller. The worker specific queue is defined in the worker class too. However, when a request comes in to that controller, it gets pushed to the redis server from 'perform_async', to the right queue. A bundle exec sidekiq
starts up Sidekiq. However, the worker's perform
never gets executed. Checking the sidekiq UI, I can see that the job is in the right queue.
This is how my worker looks like
require 'pando'
class PandoWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
sidekiq_options :queue => :pando, :backtrace=> true
def perform(*args)
puts "in here"
puts args
So in this case the sidekiq UI shows that the args are queued in 'pando'. The sidekiq process never processes from that queue or even the default.