I have an array X that I'd like to convert to a dataframe. Upon recommendation from the web, I tried converting to a dataframe and get the following error.
julia> y=convert(DataFrame,x)
converthas no method matching convert(::Type{DataFrame}, ::Array{Float64,2})
in convert at base.jl:13
When I try DataFrame(x)
, the conversion works but i get a complaint that the conversion is deprecated.
julia> DataFrame(x)
WARNING: DataFrame(::Matrix, ::Vector)) is deprecated, use convert(DataFrame, Matrix) instead in DataFrame at /Users/Matthew/.julia/v0.3/DataFrames/src/deprecated.jl:54 (repeats 2 times)
Is there another method I should be aware of to keep my code consistent?
EDIT: Julia 0.3.2, DataFrames 0.5.10 OSX 10.9.5
julia> x=rand(4,4)
4x4 Array{Float64,2}:
0.467882 0.466358 0.28144 0.0151388
0.22354 0.358616 0.669564 0.828768
0.475064 0.187992 0.584741 0.0543435
0.0592643 0.345138 0.704496 0.844822
julia> convert(DataFrame,x)
ERROR: `convert` has no method matching convert(::Type{DataFrame}, ::Array{Float64,2}) in convert at base.jl:13