I have a signal of wave song and I have a problem with amplitudes.
%graph 1 time domain
song2 = song(1:size(song));
fs = 44100;
dt = 1/fs;
t = 0:dt:(length(song2)*dt)-dt;
plot(t,abs(song2)); xlabel('Seconds'); ylabel('Amplitude');
Then I put signal in FFT, because I want to get amplitude of detecting peaks(for example; 164Hz).
%graph 2 fft
L = length(song2);
NFFT = 2^nextpow2(L);
f = fs/2*linspace(0,1,NFFT/2+1);
X = fft(song2,NFFT)/L;
X = 2*abs(X(1:NFFT/2+1));
The problem appear when I get the amplitude of the signal (for example; 0.0103) but if I compare with the amplitude of the (time domain) is not the same.
My question is How in the time domain(graph 1) I detect amplitude of the of a frequency(for example; 164 with amplitude 0.0103)?
Hm, I will rather ask in this way. I detect frequency in frequency domain spectrum as the graph link For example Let us take the the first signal (82hz)(amplitude:0.0075) And my question if is posible to detect position of this first signal in time-domain as the graph in link
Any help would be helpful.