I'm trying to configure the JBoss EAP 6.3 JMS-Bridge to work in secured environment. It seems that it not possible at all.
My configuraiton consists of two (equal) JBoss EAP installations: call them provider and consumer. Provider defines a queue and consumer uses a netty connection factory to connect it to a local queue. The configuration works fine if security is disabled on both sides using the
As soon as I activate security, the consumer is not able to construct the bridge. I'm using the same security domain on both sides by specifying:
I also tried to specify a username/password combination during bridge construction:
<jms-bridge name="...">
<connection-factory name="RemoteConnectionFactory" />
In case I don't specify the username/password, the behaviour described in Jboss EAP 6.3: HQ119031: Unable to validate user: null is observed. In case I specify the username in the source configuration of the JMS-Bridge, the exception is the same, but I see the specified USERNAME instead of null:
ERROR HQ122010: Failed to connect JMS Bridge: javax.jms.SecurityException: HQ119031: Unable to validate user: USERNAME]
at org.hornetq.core.protocol.core.impl.ChannelImpl.sendBlocking(ChannelImpl.java:399)
Caused by: HornetQException[errorType=SECURITY_EXCEPTION message=HQ119031: Unable to validate user: USERNAME]
The security-domain is also configured for usage with EJB3 RMI and the USERNAME is a valid user.
Am I missing something? Disabling security for messaging is not an option for us. So if there are any workarounds, please help!
Kind regards,