I have a table of Appointments and a table of AppointmentOutcomes. On my Appointments table I have an OutcomeID field which has a foreign key to AppointmentOutcomes. My Fluent NHibernate mappings look as follows;
Id(c => c.ID).GeneratedBy.Assigned();
Map(c => c.Subject);
Map(c => c.StartTime);
References(c => c.Outcome, "OutcomeID");
Id(c => c.ID).GeneratedBy.Assigned();
Map(c => c.Description);
Using NHibernate, if I delete an AppointmentOutcome an exception is thrown because the foreign key is invalid. What I would like to happen is that deleting an AppointmentOutcome would automatically set the OutcomeID of any Appointments that reference the AppointmentOutcome to NULL.
Is this possible using Fluent NHibernate?