
(libGDX, Java) I'm trying to make an object move from one side of the screen to the other and when it reach the other side it start over. The code I use for the action:

if (position.x < 300) {
position.x -= 1;
if (position.x == -70) {
position.x = 131;

position is a Vector2. 1 is the movement speed of the object and where I have the problem. The loop work fine if the position.x -= A WHOLE NUMBER, but if I want it to be 0.3f, 1.5f... the loop won't work and the object just continue moving. How can if fix it so that the loop will work with any number?

I think you should take a look at [this][1] thread [1]: stackoverflow.com/questions/2100490/…steven35
if (position.x <= -70) { Floating point is not precise, so == is dangerous.Joop Eggen
Better to show how position is defined.KKKCoder

2 Answers


It's so because of the binary representation of floating numbers. Every integer (not too big) has its own representation as a binary number. But 0.3 doesn't have it's accurate representation.


When comparising floats use:

bool equal(float actual, float expected) {
  return (abs(actual - expected) < 0.000001);

You can use Float.floatToIntBits().

Float.floatToIntBits(position.x) == Float.floatToIntBits(-70)

Here another example :

Float fObj1 = new Float("5.35");
Float fObj2 = new Float("5.34");

int i2 = fObj1.compareTo(fObj2);

if(i2 > 0){
  System.out.println("First is grater");
}else if(i2 < 0){
  System.out.println("Second is grater");
  System.out.println("Both are equal");