
I'm using Spritebuilder to develop a cocos2d application. I want to programmatically create a CCScrollView scroll that loads a layer, Shop.ccb that I created with SpriteBuilder. Shop.ccb is just a CCNode that contains a few UI elements. Before, I used to just create all of it in Spritebuilder, but now I need to do it by adding scroll to the parent container.

How I used to do it: CCScrollView scroll and CCNode Shop.ccb

Now, I want to do it programmatically, which is what I am having trouble with.

This is my code so far:

CCNode *shopNode = [CCBReader loadAsScene:@"Shop"];
[shopNode setContentSizeInPoints:(CGSizeMake(320, 1000))];
CCScrollView *scroll = [[CCScrollView alloc]initWithContentNode:shopNode];
[scroll setContentSizeInPoints:(CGSizeMake(320.0, 370.0))];
[scroll setHorizontalScrollEnabled:NO];
[scroll setPosition:(CGPointMake(0, 70))];
[scroll setScrollPosition:(CGPointMake(0, 370))];
[[CCDirector sharedDirector].runningScene addChild:scroll];

When I run the program, I cannot scroll. It does not let me scroll up or down, even though vertical scroll is NOT disabled. When I remove [scroll setContentSizeInPoints:(CGSizeMake(320.0, 370.0))];, only then does it let me scroll up and down. Also, it isn't the correct size. It isn't confined to a 320x370 area, it takes up the entire screen. Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong here? Thank you.

try adding the scroll node to runningScene just after creating and before setting its properties (position and content size).YvesLeBorg
Ahh that worked! Thanks, feel free to submit it as an answerSaleenS7

1 Answers


Try adding the scroll node to runningScene just after creating and before setting its properties (position and content size).