
I am using openfire 3.9.3 server and Android and IOS as client. I want to send messages via push notification to both clients when recipient user is offline. And when push is sent sender should get message receipt.

for this, i tried :

  1. making interceptor: In this, i didn't get any exception or message failure for which i can track.

  2. modify openfire code also. But i don't think it is a good solution.

I just want to know that, is there any plugin for it or modifying the openfire code is the last solution for it?

have you got answer for this ?Kartik
yes i made interceptor for it and it is working now. thanxRahul
have u made interceptor in java ? it can possible in c#?Mohammed Ebrahim
Can you please provide some more details on this? I have exactly similar requirement.Vishal Shukla
@VishalShukla you will need to create your own custom plugin for it.Rahul

1 Answers


Ok I got the answer after searching and reading docs..

Openfire provides custom plugin support. So I created my own plugin for it that supports this feature.

Here is a better step-by-step explanation for openfire plugin development.

In brief,

after building openfire source and creating openfire plugin structure as per the doc.

  1. Implement openfire Plugin interface,
  2. Put an entry for your plugin class in plugin.xml,
  3. Put your db in database folder,
  4. Initialize your interceptors in your plugin classes.
  5. Build it with ant tool.
  6. Upload your generated jar in your openfire plugins list via admin panel.