
I'm using Ember CLI's http-mock feature to mock REST API endpoints, but I'd like to use it in multiple Ember CLI applications. I thought an addon would be a great solution to this, but I can't seem to get it to work. Does Ember Addon support http-mock?

Here's what I did.

Created an add on

$ ember addon my-http-mock

Then I created a simple test endpoint in the addon

$ ember g http-mock users

After publishing it to my github repository, I imported it into an Ember CLI project like this in package.json

"dependencies": {
    "my-http-mock": "git://github.com/git-username/my-http-mock"

After npm installing it, I ran my app, but going to http://localhost:4200/api/users doesn't go to the API endpoint, and instead tries to load the Ember app.

Is there any way to use http-mock in multiple applications?


1 Answers


You'll need to have your addon implement the serverMiddleware and you can add middleware, or routes, to the http-mock running in the consuming ember-cli application.

Advanced Addon customization in ember-cli docs

That hook get's passed a config object that has the express app instance on it at config.app. You can then add whatever you'd like to do. If you're using the generated http-mock in the addon, it'd look something like this

  name: 'my-http-mock',
  serverMiddleware: function(config) {
    // To require ALL mocks from your addon
    var server = require('./server');

    // To require individual mocks
    var users = require('./server/mocks/users');

This is untested code but should work. The require all mocks one could possibly conflict in a weird way because it adds the bodyparser middleware and connect-restreamer and it probably already has that included if your app already has those from it's local http-mock. Try it out though! :)

note: This answer is in reference to using ember-cli 0.1.2