
I create a Sitecore item through the Glass.Mapper like this:

var homeItem = sitecoreContext.GetHomeItem<HomeItem>();

// Create the car item
ICar car = sitecoreService.Create(homeItem.BooksFolder, new Car { Tires = 4, Seats=4});

This works, except the standard values on the Car template are not applied - or if they are they are being immediatetely overwritten by the new Car properties. So if the Car object has a value of null for the Color property, this null is written to the field instead of the "green" value from the standard values on the Car template.

I have looked for a sensible way to do this through Glass.Mapper, but have found nothing. Is there a way to do this through Glass.Mapper?


2 Answers


There is a way to do this, use the override of the Create method that looks like this:

T Create<T, TK>(TK parent, string newName, Language language = null, bool updateStatistics = true, bool silent = false) where T : class where TK : class;

So your code would look something like this:

var homeItem = sitecoreContext.GetHomeItem<HomeItem>();

var carName = "Some New Name";

// Create the car item
// I don't know what the type of BooksFolder is so you would put that in the place of Folder.
ICar car = sitecoreService.Create<Car, Folder>(homeItem.BooksFolder, carName);
car.Tires = 4;
car.Seats = 4;


We were running into the same issue and this is how we got around it.


You could reset the fields you want back to its standard values by calling Sitecore's Reset() method wrapped in the EditContext.

var homeItem = sitecoreContext.GetHomeItem<HomeItem>();

// Create the car item
ICar car = sitecoreService.Create(homeItem.BooksFolder, new Car { Tires = 4, Seats=4});

using(new EditContext())

See http://firebreaksice.com/how-to-reset-individual-sitecore-fields-to-standard-values/