
So I am facing this little problem. In my route config I have configured two routes. One default route, which handles controller/action request and one custom route which is basically website.com/my_route where my_route is received by some controller's action as an argument. the problem is that whenever I want to give that action a parameter which contains a '/' in it, the route handler resolves request to controller/action route config, so if looks like this website.com/my_route/my_subroute, you get what happens. the my_routeController is searched and of course it does not exist, now the number of '/' in url can be more than one as you see and I want to do such thing. if the appropriate controller with appropriate action does not exist I want this request to be handled but that one controller which's action will recieve my_route/my_subroute as an argument. What is the best practice in this situation. If need I can provide the route config.


1 Answers


Try following way in your route.config

    new { controller = "controllername", action = "actionname" }

Let me know if this fixed your issue. :)