I've got a huge problem. I was writting an WFA + C++/CLI DLL application. Everything worked fine until I had to sent it to my friend. Every time he executed the exe file from bin/debug (+additional dll and xml files) nothing happened (he doesn't have Visual Studio installed). The problem doesn't occur to me. On my PC everything works fine.
What i noticed (after couple of hours looking up the solution) is that somehow this is the critical moment :
log = new StreamWriter("log.txt", true);
materialTypeComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
log = new StreamWriter("log.txt", true);
"3c" is the last line in my simple log file every time my friend execute this. If I comment this, app crashes on
foreach (RadioButton item in someGroupBox.Controls.OfType<RadioButton>()) { ... }
Seems like WFA's Controls cause that effect, but how is it possible? I tried changing target framework form 3.5 to 4.5.1, building project in Debug and Relase mode, x86, x64, using a installShield projects (I thought I missed some references while sending him the app), one-click installer, creating empty project and paste sources - without any success.
How could it be? No exception, no message box, nothing. Just click and nothing happens. Does anybody know some solution?