i have the following json input that i want to dump to logstash (and eventually search/dashboard in elasticsearch/kibana).
i'm using the following logstash configuration
input {
file {
path => "/tmp/logdump/*"
type => "assets"
codec => "json"
output {
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
elasticsearch { host => localhost }
"message" => "{\"vulnerabilities\":[\r",
"@version" => "1",
"@timestamp" => "2014-10-30T23:41:19.788Z",
"type" => "assets",
"host" => "av12612sn00-pn9",
"path" => "/tmp/logdump/stack3.json"
"message" => "{\"ip\":\"\",\"dns\":\"z.acme.com\",\"vid\":\"12345\"},\r",
"@version" => "1",
"@timestamp" => "2014-10-30T23:41:19.838Z",
"type" => "assets",
"host" => "av12612sn00-pn9",
"path" => "/tmp/logdump/stack3.json"
"message" => "{\"ip\":\"\",\"dns\":\"y.acme.com\",\"vid\":\"12345\"},\r",
"@version" => "1",
"@timestamp" => "2014-10-30T23:41:19.870Z",
"type" => "shellshock",
"host" => "av1261wag2sn00-pn9",
"path" => "/tmp/logdump/stack3.json"
"ip" => "",
"dns" => "x.acme.com",
"vid" => "12345",
"@version" => "1",
"@timestamp" => "2014-10-30T23:41:19.884Z",
"type" => "assets",
"host" => "av12612sn00-pn9",
"path" => "/tmp/logdump/stack3.json"
obviously logstash is treating each line as an event and it thinks {"vulnerabilities":[
is an event and i'm guessing the trailing commas on the 2 subsequent nodes mess up the parsing, and the last node appears coorrect. how do i tell logstash to parse the events inside the vulnerabilities array and to ignore the commas at the end of the line?
Updated: 2014-11-05
Following Magnus' recommendations, I added the json filter and it's working perfectly. However, it would not parse the last line of the json correctly without specifying start_position => "beginning"
in the file input block. Any ideas why not? I know it parses bottom up by default but would anticipate the mutate/gsub would handle this smoothly?
file {
path => "/tmp/logdump/*"
type => "assets"
start_position => "beginning"
filter {
if [message] =~ /^\[?{"ip":/ {
mutate {
gsub => [
"message", "^\[{", "{",
"message", "},?\]?$", "}"
json {
source => "message"
remove_field => ["message"]
output {
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
elasticsearch { host => localhost }