I'm writing a webapp and can't figure out which one of the two following ways should I take.
Imagine 5 tables: A, B, C, D, and E.
Option 1:
Use ids as foreign keys and then it looks like this:
tableA: id, field1, field2, ...
tableB: tableA_id, field1, field2, ...
tableC: tableB_id, field1, field2, ... etc...
Option 2:
Create new columns that will serve as foreign keys and then it looks like this:
tableA: id, field1, field2, ...
tableB: id, tableA_id, field1, field2, ...
tableC: id, tableB_id, field1, field2, ... etc...
I think option 1 might be a bit confusing when we call tableB id field which is infact named tableA_id but I might be wrong so I'll be glad if someone enlightens me a little.
Also, if option 2 is the way to go, what is the point of joining tables on primary key?
EDIT: What I am trying to achieve is something like this:
......Other stuff
are you trying to model a tree?
– Leo
I don't think so. I'm just trying to figure out which way is the proper way. In my case there is account table which holds exactly 1 character which holds for example items table, messages, etc etc
– Sikor
2 Answers
I guess "Option 2", though you may need to be a bit more specific as to your goal here. Might I suggest an Option 3:
TableX: id, A_id, B_id, C_id, D_id, E_id
Table_A: id, col1, col2
Table_B: id, colX, colY
Table_C: id, thing1
Table_D: id, more_col
Table_E: id, xxx
Then, it's just a simple join:
SELECT A.col1, B.colX, C.thing1, D.more_col, E.xxx
LEFT JOIN Table_A as A on X.A_id = A.id
LEFT JOIN Table_B as B on X.B_id = B.id