
I am trying to upload a large file 2GB in the background using NSURLSessionUploadTask. The service uses multipart format, so in order to upload it in the background i am creating a temporary file with the Body of the request, then i am using a uploadTask to schedule the upload and when the files finishes uploading i am deleting the temporary file.

NSURLSessionUploadTask *uploadTask = [[self backgroundNSURLSession] uploadTaskWithRequest:uploadRequest fromFile:filePath]; [uploadTask resume];

With files smaller then 1.4 GB the upload worked ok, but when I try to upload video files of 2 GB, the upload fails. Server is returning error message that i did not attached the file.

I am refactoring the upload component from ASIHTTP to NSURLSession if i do the upload with ASIHTTP it works even for large files.

This is how i create my NSURLSession:

 if ([NSURLSessionConfiguration respondsToSelector:@selector(backgroundSessionConfigurationWithIdentifier:)]) {
        self.configuration = [NSURLSessionConfiguration backgroundSessionConfigurationWithIdentifier:appID];
    } else  {
        self.configuration = [NSURLSessionConfiguration backgroundSessionConfiguration:appID];
    self.configuration.HTTPMaximumConnectionsPerHost = 1;
    self.configuration.discretionary = YES;
    self.configuration.timeoutIntervalForResource = 60*60;
    self.configuration.timeoutIntervalForRequest  = 60*60;
    backgroundSession = [NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration:self.configuration delegate:self delegateQueue:nil];

So the problem is only for large files, for small files the upload is performed. Has anyone else encountered the same problem?

Are you sure it isn't something simple like the timeoutIntervalForResource being far too low ?Ryan Heitner
I am not sure if this is still useful but, I changed timeIntervalForResource and forRequest to a huge value and still the same issue.Mihai Georgescu
2 years after you asked the question, that was a big time interval !!!Ryan Heitner

1 Answers


According with apple developer description for property discretionary if the file is so large, the system might be waiting for a good moment like a WIFI connection.

Switch discretionary property to NO and try again. good luck!

self.configuration.discretionary = NO;