You might need to override meta.getStepFields() to add new ValueMetaInterface objects to the RowMetaInterface passed in. This is the standard way to add columns at runtime; however, the row's metadata (i.e. list of ValueMetaInterface objects) must be the same from row to row or else the next step in your transformation will complain.
Often when doing data-driven custom plugins, you consume as many rows as you need (using getRow()) in order to figure out what the outgoing row format/metadata will be, then you can construct a RowMetaInterface (usually using meta.getStepFields()) that will be passed into the putRow() call. If you intend to pass through the incoming fields, do something like:
RowMetaInterface outputRowMeta = getInputRowMeta().clone();
If you're creating new rows use this:
RowMetaInterface outputRowMeta = new RowMeta();
Either way when you call meta.getStepFields(outputRowMeta, ...) it should populate outputRowMeta with the appropriate fields, by adding/changing/removing ValueMetaInterface objects from outputRowMeta.
I've got a blog post using Groovy to add/replace fields in the incoming rows here:
Not sure if that is similar to your use case or not. If you have more questions, feel free to find me on IRC at ##pentaho (my nick is usually mburgess_pdi)