
I add a new event to fullcalendar, it displays well, but when I go to next month and switch back, it disappears! But the old event displays well, why? How can I display all events?

The detail like:

  1. I have two events: event1, event2 coming from a database and when FullCalendar initializes, I add them to the Calendar, displays well.
  2. Then I add another event: event3 to calendar, can display well.
  3. I go to next month.
  4. I switch back, I find only event1 and event2 displayed, and event3 disappeared?

Does anyone can help me? Thanks!


1 Answers


sounds like you could use the renderEvent method with the 'stick' parameters: http://arshaw.com/fullcalendar/docs/event_rendering/renderEvent/

$('#calendar').fullCalendar('renderEvent', {...}, true);