
I have requirement, this is for a report.

Requirement description:

Need data from a table which are in OPEN status for more than 30 minutes

Well, the above requirement can be obtained from

select * 
from xyz 
where status = 'OPEN' 
and last_update_date <= sysdate - (30/1440) --30 is minutes and its a parameter

the above query will fetch all the data which are in OPEN status from beginning to sysdate - (30/1440). so i want to modify the query to restrict the complete data , by adding another parameter like DAY

for example if i give 10 as day, it should fetch all the data only in the last 10 days and sysdate-30 minutes. we should use last_update_date column for restricting the day.

If I dont give any day as input if should fetch all the records from sysdate-30 minutes. If I dont give minutes it should fetch all the records in OPEN status.

is the question clear enough? My English is bad.

Please suggest me a query..

If you will provide suppose 10 days then query need to return last 10 days data & if you do not provide any day then it should display only last 30 miutes data Am i Correct?Hardik Parmar
Correct ... and if we dont provide both, then just return all the records in OPEN status..TAT
will you provide just number of days or you will provide the Date upto which recoerd has to displyHardik Parmar
its a parameter.. say 10TAT

2 Answers


Simply use OR expressions where you check the parameters for NULL:

select * 
from xyz 
where status = 'OPEN' 
and (last_update_date <= sysdate - (:minutes/1440) or :minutes is null)
and (trunc(last_update_date) >= trunc(sysdate - :days) or :days is null)

This query is not tested. Please tell me this query is returning any error or somthing that i have missed.

    status = 'OPEN' 
    last_update_date <= CASE WHEN @No_Of_Days <> 0 THEN sysdate - @No_Of_Days ELSE NULL END
    minutes(last_update_date) <=  SYSDATE - 30/1440