
I'm having problems with a wordpress site to enter the admin area.

If I enter with: http://www.example.com/wp-admin/

I get an infinite redirect loop but if I enter with:


it works

Need more details. Did you recently change something? Are you running apache? Fresh install? Sounds like a server configuration issue where index.php isn't being picked up by default.chris
Yes... more details, have you by chance modified your .htaccess or functions.php file ?Duncubuntu
Yes, we move site to root folder, in sub-folder its working fine and we are using apacheNavjot Singh
Have you changed site url and home url before moving the site?Gunaseelan
No,I have not changed site url and home urlNavjot Singh

1 Answers


As /wp-admin/ have a infinite loop redirect but /wp-admin/index.php works we could solve it by adding

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^wp-admin/$ /wp-admin/index.php [R=302,L]

in the .htaccess before the WP-rules.

However, this is not the best solution, it works.