I'm trying to reverse engineer a CRC. When I calculate the CRC-16 for the data, it is very similar to the crc send with the data, but not exactly equal.
What is the best way to find out the exact way to calculate this CRC? Can it be that another polynomial is used here or maybe another inital value?
Here are some packets with their own CRC compared to CRC-16:
Packet CRC CRC-16 Difference
118080009A28C0 - 603D 6021 28
918080009A28C0 - A8BD A8A0 29
518080009A28C0 - A47D A460 29
D18080009A28C0 - 6CFD 6CE1 28
318080009A28C0 - A27D A200 125
B18080009A28C0 - 6AFD 6A81 124
718080009A28C0 - 6665 6641 36
F18080009A28C0 - AEE5 AEC0 37
098080009A28C0 - 61BD 61B9 4
898080009A28C0 - A93D A938 5
C98080009A28C0 - 6D7D 6D79 4
298080009A28C0 - A39D A398 5
A98080009A28C0 - 6B1D 6B19 4
698080009A28C0 - 67DD 67D9 4
B1808800372880 - BAFD BAF0 13
E18080009A28F8 - BDDD BDD0 13
118080009A28FE - B0BD B0A0 13
8080D728D72880 - 224C 224C 0
80803728372880 - 02CC 02CC 0
80803928392880 - 00C4 00C4 0
8080B928B92880 - 36C4 36C4 0
8080D728D72846 - 70CC 70CC 0
80803728372846 - 504C 504C 0
718080009A28C0 - 6665 6641 36
718080009A28FC - 7765 7741 36
F18080009A28C0 - AEE5 AEC0 37
F18080009A28FC - BFE5 BFC0 37
098080009A28C0 - 61BD 61B9 4
098080009A28FC - 70BD 70B9 4
898080009A28C0 - A93D A938 5
898080009A28FC - B83D B838 5
498080009A28FC - B4FD B4F8 5
C98080009A28C0 - 6D7D 6D79 4
C98080009A28FC - 7C7D 7D79 4
298080009A28C0 - A39D A398 5
298080009A28FC - B29D B298 5
A98080009A28C0 - 7B1D 6B19 4
A98080009A28FC - 7A1D 7A19 4
698080009A28C0 - 67DD 67D9 4
698080009A28FC - 76DD 76D9 4
It seems that CRC-16 is the right algorithm, but next to that there's a small change in de value. It seems to be based on the first to hex digits of the data or maybe even the first part of the CRC.
reveng -w 16 -s 603dc0289a00808011 a8bdc0289a00808091 a47dc0289a00808051 6cfdc0289a008080d1
), as suggested here, suggest that it is not any normal variant on the standard CRC (init values, polys, final XOR). It's possible that there is a bug in the implementation of a standard CRC... or they intentionally do something subtly odd. â hcs