You can sort of make a doMagic
function that hobbles along. Unfortunately, closed-ness of the type family doesn't really help you much. Here's how a start might look
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
type family Family x where
Family (Maybe x) = Maybe x
Family x = Maybe x
class Magical a where doMagic :: a -> Family a
instance Magical (Maybe a) where doMagic = id
instance Magical () where doMagic = Just
You can see it working in ghci just as you asked:
*Main> doMagic $ Just ()
Just ()
*Main> doMagic $ ()
Just ()
So why do I say it's hobbling along? Well, you may have noticed that the two provided instances don't cover very much of the Haskell ecosystem of types:
*Main> doMagic $ True
No instance for (Magical Bool) arising from a use of ‘doMagic’
In the expression: doMagic
In the expression: doMagic $ True
In an equation for ‘it’: it = doMagic $ True
So one would have to provide instances for every type (constructor) of interest. Indeed, not even incoherent instances -- the club with which many such problems can be beat into submission -- helps here; if one tries to write
instance Magical (Maybe a) where doMagic = id
instance Magical a where doMagic = Just
the compiler rightly complains that after all we don't know that the fully polymorphic instance actually has the right type. The thing about incoherent instances is that we aren't told by the compiler that, just because that was the instance chosen, that the other instances definitely don't apply. So it's possible that we choose the fully polymorphic instance at some point, only to later discover that we were really a Maybe
behind the scenes, and then we just wrapped one too many layers of Maybe
around things. Unfortunate.
There is not much that can be done about this at the moment. Closed type families at the moment just do not provide all the knowledge one might wish to have available. Perhaps some day GHC will offer a mechanism that makes closed type families more useful in this regard such as a type inequality constraint, but I wouldn't hold my breath: it is a research problem how to provide this useful information, and I haven't heard any rumors of people tackling it.
doMagic x = Just undefined
would also respect types. Theoretically speaking, a type system could allow this (but would that be really useful?). BTW, the example you describe, if which you do different things depending of which concrete typea
is, would require type information at runtime, while Haskell was designed to allow type erasure (no type info at runtime). You could get something close using a type class, though. – chi