
I have created an instance in Amazon web services, and I have connected to the server using putty through ssh.

But I do not know how to install tomcat 8 in amazon ec2. Please help me with this.


8 Answers


You can use yum tool to install the tomcat8 packer from amazon default repository.

The command is: yum install tomcat8-webapps tomcat8-admin-webapps


On Amazon Linux 2 AMI:

  1. List extra packages (you will see tomcat8 versions):

    $ amazon-linux-extras list

  2. Install extra packages:

    $ sudo amazon-linux-extras install tomcat8.5

  3. Start tomcat service:

    $ sudo systemctl start tomcat

  4. Create index file:

    $ cd /usr/share/tomcat/webapps
    $ sudo mkdir ROOT
    $ cd ROOT/
    $ sudo vi index.html #add some HTML content

Next you could view your site at localhost:8080


For Amazon AMI 2, Tomcat is available in Amazon Linux Extra topic "tomcat8.5"

To use, run

# sudo amazon-linux-extras install tomcat8.5

Learn more at https://aws.amazon.com/amazon-linux-2/faqs/#Amazon_Linux_Extras


If you also want to know the help documentation, the command is: sudo yum install tomcat8-webapps tomcat8-docs-webapp tomcat8-admin-webapps


The below Link works well for EC2 / Linux or Mac

sudo yum install tomcat8-webapps tomcat8-docs-webapp tomcat8-admin-webapps

This will install:

  1. WebApps Folder
  2. Tomcat documentation (Gives local documentation for qucik reference)
  3. Admin App : through which you can install / export / start /stop / reload an application (without having to login)

Note: When a Manager App is installed - be sure to change the default roles and permissions etc and Password too. Otherwise you are very vulnerable. Its best to disable the admin module for better security.



  1. first check whether java has to be installed on your instance or not.
  2. if not, install java: yum install java -y
  3. go to the tomcat-Apache.org site, and copy the link to the tar.gz file
  4. open the terminal and execute this command: sudo wget <tar.gz path>
  5. unzip the tar file: tar -vxzf Apache-tomcat-xxxx.tar.gz
  6. setup users and port number (by default 8080)
  7. then shutdown and start the tomcat server: ./shutdown.sh and ./startup.sh

For this:

  1. you need to do copy the tomcat tar file path wget <tar file path>
  2. unzip the tar file tar -zvxf apache-tomcat-xxxx.tar.zf
  3. you need to set the users and port number and then stop and restart the tomcat server

below mentioned follow the step but http://locathost:8080/manager/html is Not open on amazon Linux error is showing in the as below menitoned

(HTTP Status 404 – Not Found Type Status Report

Message The requested resource [/manager/html] is not available

Description The origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists.

Apache Tomcat/9.0.41)


amazon-linux-extras install tomcat9

yum update

systemctl start tomcat

systemctl status tomcat

netstat -tunple

cd /usr/share/tomcat/webapps

mkdir ROOT

cd ROOT/

vi index.html