I've a custom Polymer element with a published property inputValue
The component listen for inputValue
changes, and when it changes report the new value to an internal logic.
The same is done in the opposite direction: the element listen for internal logic changes and set the new value to the inputValue
When the new value is set to inputValue
this make the observe system notify all the listeners, but the element is itself a listener.
I want to avoid that the element is notified about changes made by itself.
Here the custom element Dart code:
class CodemirrorInput extends PolymerElement {
String mode;
String inputValue;
CodemirrorInput.created() : super.created();
void ready() {
Map options = {
'mode': mode
GradeCodeMirror editor = new GradeCodeMirror.fromElement(
$['codemirror'], options: options);
onPropertyChange(this, #inputValue, (){
editor.setOption("value", inputValue);
inputValue = editor.getDoc().getValue();
from your code and let Polymer resolve the updating? What makeseditor.onChange.listen
fire? – Günter Zöchbauervalue
is bound to? – Günter Zöchbauer