
Can you please advise if below is even possible. Using Oracle 11g and APEX 4.2.6.

I have a data grid that brings all tasks from a master table. But show the task name via a LOV.

I am trying to add links, via Column links. But I must turn off the LOV to make this work. Which would give me link. But this is not very helpful.

Example below.

<a href="f?p=103:5:7907259112753::NO::P5_MAST_ID:44193">44193</a>

Is there a way, so I can still use a LOV. So that the return value gives me the ID for the link, but the Display value gives me the anchor text.

Example below.

<a href="f?p=103:5:7907259112753::NO::P5_MAST_ID: 44193">Weekend</a>

Many thanks

Do you want to have a LOV, where you will choose value, and after that your link will change accordingly to return value?Dmitriy
Each column is set as display as Text (based on LOV) (not dropdown) for example. From database Col1 col2 col3 44193|41123|44193 With LOV Col1 col2 col3 Weekend|MOD| Weekendjase sykes

2 Answers


I'm mostly used to Apex 4.1, but this approach should work.

You don't need an LOV. Your report query should include both the MAST_ID and the TASK_NAME columns. Hide the TASK_NAME column and set MAST_ID as the linking column. If you set the Link Text (under Column Link) to #TASK_NAME#, you should get the desired result. Display As should be left at the default (Display as Text etc).


They added a new feature now where you can add a link to your item under: "Link" attribute.