I'm building a windows phone 8.1 app that reads a file ( which holds GPS points, each point consists of e.g. latitude and longitude fields). For each point I have it so it's displayed with a little pushpin icon on the map control, based on its coordinated from the above file. Is there any way I can implement a click event on the push pin element and use it to e.g. to display another window where user can change/display specific point/pushpin info ( latitude or longitude) ? This is what I use to read my file and display on the map and it works fine:
info: notes
is public ObservableCollection<Point> notes;
protected async override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
bool exist; // used to check if JSON file exists
// get current position and set the map to point at it
Geoposition position = await App.DataModel.GetCurrentPosition();
await MyMap.TrySetViewAsync(position.Coordinate.Point, 16D);
mySlider.Value = MyMap.ZoomLevel; // set it to 16D from previous line
exist = await App.DataModel.FileExistsAsync();
if (exist == true)
// read the file and load points into a list
await App.DataModel.ReadFile();
// put points on the map - little map icon
foreach (var point in App.DataModel.notes)
MapIcon myMapIcon = new MapIcon();
myMapIcon.Location = new Geopoint(new BasicGeoposition()
Latitude = point.Latitude,
Longitude = point.Longitude,
myMapIcon.NormalizedAnchorPoint = new Point(0.5, 1.0);