I'm developping a multi-tenant MVC website. I have made already a costum azure website that could sign up multiple tenants Azure directories.
When I try make a multi-tenant cloud service with a WebRole, the sign up process of a new tenant fails with the message:
Access cannot be granted to this service because the service listing is not properly configured by the publisher. (ERROR CODE:1028)
I noticed that the replyUrl of the MVC TenantController for the service application was different (then for the azure website) and I tried to enable the SSL properly but with no succes.
The solution that I tested was pure generated code from the Visual Studio 2013 'new project' wizard where I choose : Windows Azure Cloud Service / 1 WebRole / MVC ( Organizational Authentication , Multiple organizations, Single Sign On read directory data).
Does some one have a solution for this problem ? Thanks in Advance