I have a GridView and I am binding it to a DataTable which is being filled at run time. Number of columns and rows are not fixed. After the DataTable is filled I am setting the binding source of the GridView to this data table:
Me.User_infoDTBindingSource.DataSource = User_infoDT
Now the prblem is, gird view is not showing any columns or rows at all. I used :
Now I am getting all the columns in the GridView but the column captions which I setted in DataTable are all lost. The rows ar still empty in the GridView. I have also used OptionView.EnableAppearanceEvenRow
so I can see that number of rows are generating in my GridView (as it is supposed to be) but still I can't see any data.
I have implemented the same code with Windows DataGridView and TreeList using the same data source (data table) and it is working perfectly. But here I can not find any reason of not getting the rows.
Any idea where are these rows? I debugged the code and checked the DataTable when I am setting the binding source's data source to data table. At that time GridView.DataRowCount and GridView.Columns.Count are correct. But still grid view is not showing any data in the rows.
UPDATE: I have now removed the binding source and setted the GridView's datasource directly to the DataTable and it is working perfectly!! I am amazed why the rows are invisble when I am using a binding source in between. Apart from this, here now all the columns have correct captions also (which I setted in DataTable) which are being lost when I am using binding source.