
I am trying to get a test helper working using Ember CLI, but I always get [functionName] is undefined. Here is my test, helper, as according to the emberjs docs:

`import Ember from "ember"`

acceptanceHelpers = ->
    Ember.Test.registerAsyncHelper("performLogin", (app) ->
        visit "/login"

        fillIn("#username", "sampleusername")
        fillIn("#password", "samplepassword")

        click(".form-actions button:first")

`export default acceptanceHelpers`

And where I use it: login-test.coffee:

`import Ember from "ember"`
`import startApp from "../helpers/start-app"`
`import acceptanceHelpers from "../helpers/acceptance-helpers"`

App = null

module "Acceptance: Login",
    setup: ->
        App = startApp()

    teardown: ->
        Ember.run App, "destroy"

test "User is able to log in / transition to dashboard", ->
    andThen ->
        equal(currentRouteName(), "dashboard")

But I get:

ReferenceError: performLogin is not defined at Object.module.setup (unhost/tests/acceptance/login-test.js:15:16) at Object.Test.setup (http://localhost:4200/assets/test-support.js:1063:31) at http://localhost:4200/assets/test-support.js:1168:10 at process (http://localhost:4200/assets/test-support.js:887:24) at http://localhost:4200/assets/test-support.js:476:5

How can I configure my acceptance test to properly use defined test helpers in Ember CLI?


2 Answers


A couple of options here:

You can just make a plain helper function to use, if you want to import into each test file:

export function performLogin() {
  visit "/login"

  fillIn("#username", "sampleusername")
  fillIn("#password", "samplepassword")

  click(".form-actions button:first")
  //  wait()  <--- This wait is unnecessary, 'click' will cause a wait  

And then in the test:

import Ember from 'ember';
import startApp from '../helpers/start-app';
import { performLogin } from '../helpers/acceptance-helpers';

var App;
module("Acceptance: Login", {
  setup: function(){
    App = startApp();
  teardown: function(){
    Ember.run(App, 'destroy');

test("User is able to log in / transition to dashboard", function(){
    equal(currentRouteName(), "dashboard");

Making and using a registered helper:

//Easiest is to put in test-helper.js ... it must be evaled before injectTestHelpers is called in   startApp
Ember.Test.registerAsyncHelper( 'performLogin', function ( app ) {
  visit "/login"

  fillIn("#username", "sampleusername")
  fillIn("#password", "samplepassword")

  click(".form-actions button:first")
  // wait()  <--- wait is again unnecessary

And then in the test:

import Ember from 'ember';
import startApp from '../helpers/start-app';
//No need to import anything to get performLogin, it was registered 

var App;
module("Acceptance: Login", {
  setup: function(){
    App = startApp();
  teardown: function(){
    Ember.run(App, 'destroy');

test("User is able to log in / transition to dashboard", function(){
    equal(currentRouteName(), "dashboard");

This is most likely jshint failing, you need to add performLogin to tests/.jshintrc to the predef array:

"predef": [
    "performLogin", // like this