Within VBA you have access to a number of properties to manage page breaks.
Range.PageBreak returns or sets a page break, so you could manage your page breaks programatically with respect to your employee counts.
Worksheet.HPageBreaks and Worksheet.VPageBreaks give you access to the horizontal and vertical page breaks collection.
So Worksheet.HPageBreaks.Count
for example, will give yuo the number of horizontal page breaks in your worksheet.
will give you the position of the first horizontal page break and similarly Worksheet.VPageBreaks(1).Location.Column
will give you the location of the first vertical page break.
These tools coupled with a .Find
or two should allow you to describe the range(s) to be produced as .pdf and allow you to accomplish what you require.
EDIT with starter code sample following OP comment
Having re-read your post this starter code produces two .pdf files based on your original Q. I have set page length to be 50 lines - this is sensitive to font size, paper size, margins etc. You need to provide your own 'outputPath' to save your files. Example runs on a single column of data.
It's a starter so no warranties with this, and be aware that when the code runs, all manual page breaks will be removed (.ResetAllPageBreaks).
Option Base 1
Sub pdf()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim dArr() As String, outputPath As String, fileStem As String
Dim dCol As Long, stRow As Long, endRow As Long, pStRow As Long
Dim docCnt As Long, lnCnt As Long
Dim rwsPerPage As Integer, topM As Integer, botM As Integer
Dim empNme As String
Set ws = Sheets("Data")
dCol = 2 'col B
stRow = 2 'row 2
pStRow = stRow
rwsPerPage = 50
topM = 36 'default in points
botM = 36 'default in points
outputPath = "<yourpath>\"
fileStem = "Employee "
docCnt = 1
lnCnt = 0
With ws
'set essential page parameters
With .PageSetup
.Orientation = xlPortrait
.TopMargin = topM
.BottomMargin = botM
End With
'last data row
endRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, dCol).End(xlUp).Row
'first employee name
empNme = .Cells(stRow, dCol)
'for each data row
For c = stRow To endRow
lnCnt = lnCnt + 1
'at change of employee name
If Not .Cells(c, dCol).Value = empNme Then
'put doc range into array
ReDim Preserve dArr(docCnt)
dArr(docCnt) = .Range(.Cells(pStRow, dCol), .Cells(c - 1, dCol)).Address
docCnt = docCnt + 1
'reset startrow of new employee
pStRow = c
empNme = .Cells(c, dCol).Value
'add hpage break
.HPageBreaks.Add before:=.Cells(c, dCol)
lnCnt = 0
End If
'at page length
If lnCnt = rwsPerPage Then
'add hpage break
.HPageBreaks.Add before:=.Cells(lnCnt, dCol)
lnCnt = 0
End If
Next c
'last employee if appropriate to array
If c - 1 > pStRow Then
ReDim Preserve dArr(docCnt)
dArr(docCnt) = .Range(.Cells(pStRow, dCol), .Cells(c, dCol)).Address
End If
'produce pdf files
For d = 1 To UBound(dArr, 1)
.Range(dArr(d)).ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:= _
outputpat & fileStem & d & ".pdf", Quality:=xlQualityStandard, _
IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas:=False, _
Next d
End With
End Sub
EDIT #2 with starter code sample using OP data and correcting a typo in the outputPath
Option Base 1
Sub pdf()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim dArr() As String, outputPath As String, fileStem As String
Dim dCol As Long, stRow As Long, endRow As Long, pStRow As Long
Dim docCnt As Long, lnCnt As Long
Dim rwsPerPage As Integer, topM As Integer, botM As Integer
Dim empNme As String
Set ws = Sheets("Data")
dCol = 4 'col D
stRow = 2 'row 2
pStRow = stRow
rwsPerPage = 50
topM = 36 'default in points
botM = 36 'default in points
outputPath = "<yourpath>\"
fileStem = "Employee "
docCnt = 1
lnCnt = 0
With ws
'set essential page parameters
With .PageSetup
.Orientation = xlPortrait
.TopMargin = topM
.BottomMargin = botM
End With
'last data row
endRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, dCol).End(xlUp).Row
'first employee name
empNme = .Cells(stRow, dCol)
'for each data row
For c = stRow To endRow
lnCnt = lnCnt + 1
'at change of employee name
If Not .Cells(c, dCol).Value = empNme Then
'put doc range into array
ReDim Preserve dArr(docCnt)
dArr(docCnt) = .Range(.Cells(pStRow, dCol - 3), .Cells(c - 1, dCol - 1)).Address
docCnt = docCnt + 1
'reset startrow of new employee
pStRow = c
empNme = .Cells(c, dCol).Value
'add hpage break
.HPageBreaks.Add before:=.Cells(c, dCol)
lnCnt = 0
End If
'at page length
If lnCnt = rwsPerPage Then
'add hpage break
.HPageBreaks.Add before:=.Cells(lnCnt, dCol)
lnCnt = 0
End If
Next c
'last employee if appropriate to array
If c - 1 > pStRow Then
ReDim Preserve dArr(docCnt)
dArr(docCnt) = .Range(.Cells(pStRow, dCol - 3), .Cells(c - 1, dCol - 1)).Address
End If
'produce pdf files
For d = 1 To UBound(dArr, 1)
.Range(dArr(d)).ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:= _
outputPath & fileStem & d & ".pdf", Quality:=xlQualityStandard, _
IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas:=False, _
Next d
End With
End Sub