I am rendering TRIANGLE_STRIPS in OpenGL ES 2.0. I was wondering, would it be possible to modify the vertex shader such that instead of feeding it 4 texture vertices, you give it only one vertex that represents the centre of the TRIANGLE_STRIP, with a parameter for texture width and a height?
Assuming my texture vertex is:
GLfloat textureVertices[] = {
x, y
Can the vertex shader be modified to work with texSize
uniform, which would represent the width/height of the TRIANGLE_STRIP? :
attribute highp vec4 position;
attribute lowp vec4 inputPointCoordinate;
uniform mat4 MVP;
uniform lowp vec4 vertexColor;
uniform float texSize;
varying lowp vec2 textureCoordinate;
varying lowp vec4 color;
void main()
gl_Position = MVP*position;
textureCoordinate = inputPointCoordinate.xy;
color = vertexColor;