Rather than roll a log after a date/time or specified maximum size, I want to be able to call a method like "ResetLog" that copies my "log.txt" to "log.txt.1" and then clears log.txt.
I've tried to implement that by doing something like this with a FileAppender, rather than a RollingFileAppender:
var appenders = log4net.LogManager.GetRepository().GetAppenders();
foreach (var appender in appenders) {
var fa = appender as log4net.Appender.FileAppender;
if (fa != null) {
string logfile = fa.File;
string new_file_path = CreateNextLogFile(logfile);
fa.File = new_file_path;
The file is closed and CreateNextLogFile() renames it. I then create a new log file and set the FileAppender to use it. However, I thought that ActivateOptions would go ahead and reconfigure the FileAppender with the desired settings. I've looked over the log4net documentation and don't see any other public methods that allow me to reopen the FileAppender after closing it. Can anyone recommend a way to implement the rollover? It would be nice if the RollingFileAppender had something like this, but I didn't see anything useful it its documentation, either.