I’m trying to write a C# application that opens up a outlook custom mail item and fill in multiple user properties. I was able to do so by using the Microsoft Outlook Interop. But I had the annoying security warning each time I tried to change some user property. I found out that Redemption is the perfect tool to avoid this. But when I try to change a user property, Redemption creates a new one instead of using the already existing one.
This is the code I used to change the property with Outlook Interop (Pops up a security warning) :
string customPropertyNamespace = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/string/{00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}/";
Outlook._Items oItems = oPublicFolder.Folders["Babillards"].Folders["SYSOTI"].Folders["MEP"].Items;
Outlook._MailItem oMep = oItems.Add("ipm.note.mep");
oMep.PropertyAccessor.SetProperty(customPropertyNamespace + "prop1", "SomeText");
This all works fine, except for the security warning...
This is the redemption code I'm trying to use :
string customPropertyGUID = "{00020329-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}";
Outlook._Items oItems = oPublicFolder.Folders["Babillards"].Folders["SYSOTI"].Folders["MEP"].Items;
Outlook._MailItem oMep = oItems.Add("ipm.note.mep");
Redemption.SafeMailItem Mep = new Redemption.SafeMailItem();
Mep.Item = oMep;
Mep.set_Fields(Mep.GetIDsFromNames(customPropertyGUID, "prop1"), "SomeText");
From what I understood this should work. But instead, my mail page opens with all my fields empty. By using OutlookSpy I found out that Redemption creates a new property with this DASL :
instead of :
Can somebody help me? I also tried using the Redemption.MAPIUtils but I ended up with exactly the same result. Is there a way to change a user property by passing the DASL instead of a GUID and ID ?