I'm trying to plot some eigenvalues along with their Gershgorin circles in matlab, but don't seem to be able to find the syntax to get the discrete points (the eigenvalues) to show up. This is what I've tried:
clear all ;
m = [ 1 -1 0 0 ;
-1 2 -1 0 ;
0 -1 2 1 ;
0 0 -1 1 ]
e = eig( m ) ;
n = 30 ;
z1 = zeros( n + 1, 1 ) ;
z2 = zeros( n + 1, 1 ) ;
for i = [ 1 : n + 1 ]
z1(i) = 2 + 2 * exp(j * 2 * pi * (i - 1)/ 30) ;
z2(i) = 1 + exp(j * 2 * pi * (i - 1)/ 30) ;
h = plot( real(e(1)), imag(e(1)), real(e(2)), imag(e(2)), real(e(3)), imag(e(3)), real(e(4)), imag(e(4)), real(z1), imag(z1), real(z2), imag(z2) )
set(h(1),'LineWidth',2) ;
set(h(2),'LineWidth',2) ;
set(h(3),'LineWidth',2) ;
set(h(4),'LineWidth',2) ;
Which produces a plot in which I can see the circles, but not the points:
If I use the same set command on h(5) or h(6) it does make the circle plots show up thicker as I would have expected.