I'm using Titanium SDK 3.4.0 GA, developing an Android app that load remote images from my web server to an ImageView.
The problem comes when the device lost connectivity during the load of that images, so, what I need is a way to catch that error (timeout, 404...) and set an "imageNotAvailable". I'm using Network Link Conditioner for MacOSX to reproduce that scenario, with low latency, lost of packets...
To prove this I use the following code in my test.js (Alloy Controller) and a simple view with an ImageView with id='imageView' in my test.xml.
Sometimes, throws an exception:
TiDownloadManager: (pool-4-thread-1) [45929,118581] Exception downloading http://...
but not always (remote connection timeout seems infinite), anyway with this exception and without this I can't catch this (probably due to the asynchronous request) nor fires the ERROR event.
function imageNotAvailable(e)
Ti.API.info('Error loading image:'+JSON.stringify(e));
$.imageView.image = "/imageNotAvailable.png";
function onLoad(e)
Ti.API.info('Image Loaded:'+JSON.stringify(e));
function setImageAndroid(image)
$.imageView.image = 'http://....';
$.imageView.addEventListener("error", imageNotAvailable);
$.imageView.addEventListener("load", onLoad);
Excuse my bad English! Thanks!