
I keep getting this error, whenever I try to run my app on my iphone, which is running iOS 8.1.-

The Developer Disk Image could not be mounted.

User’s iPhone may be running a version of iOS that is not supported by this version of Xcode.

I tried restarting my mac and xcode, but problem persists.


8 Answers


Xcode 6 only contains the iOS 8.0 SDK.

If you're running iOS 8.1 on your phone, then you'll need to upgrade to Xcode 6.1, which contains the iOS 8.1 SDK.


Download the latest version of Xcode from the App Store. I had an early version of XCode 6.1 that lacked the 8.1 SDK. Upgrading to the latest fixed the problem.


Restarting my phone cleared this for me.

It started a day after updating to Xcode 6.1 and phone (4s) to 8.1 worked fine to start with then stopped with this message a day later.


Opening project in Xcode 6.1 then again in 6.0.1 seemed to fix issue, if your project is not ready to be compiled in 6.1!


Did you check your apps' base version. If the base version is set to 8 and your device is 7, you will probably get this error.

and if your base version, from what i imagine is 8.1 and your device is not updated to 8.1 it wont work either.


Xcode 6.4 beta would not run iOS 8.3. Switched to Xcode 6.3 fixed the issue. And then when opening it back in 6.4 beta, was working fine.


Just ran into this after absentmindedly upgrading my phone to iOS 8.3. Resolution required an upgrade to OS X Yosemite (10.10) before I could update to a version of Xcode that supports that version of iOS.


I have seen this error before in my experience. It means that the Developer Disk image in your Xcode is not compatible with the one in your iOS device that you are trying to run/develop an app with. One of the easiest way to solve this is update your Xcode installation. Another quick trick that I learned with is by copying Developer Disk image versions into Xcode.app's directory.

I earned some copies of different versions of Developer Disk image from various Macbooks that have updated and outdated Developer Disk images. You could download some resources online, extract it and then place the whole directory on your Xcode's installation directory normally located here: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/.

I hope this helps!