
I followed the guide in the following link https://docs.wso2.com/display/IS500/WSO2+Identity+Server+as+an+OpenID+Provider I successfully added the certificate to the cacerts of Java but after restarting Liferay I got the same error from Liferay ("You have entered invalid data. Please try again") as when there was no certificate added. Note that I didn't deviate from the guide.

I've even tried to connect with a simple openid4java application and I get the following exception: org.openid4java.discovery.yadis.YadisException: 0x704: I/O transport error: peer not authenticated which according to most cases is because of SSL problems with the Java certificates.

Any ideas what might have gone wrong?

Problem solved...Liferay has its own JRE :-SGeorge Mor.

2 Answers


you can enable openId component in Liferay portal-ext.properties as


and then restart your tomcat server.

Hope this can help you


yes you are right ,lifersay is suing their own jre but compiling some jsp page or may be some php page jdk is required,

so JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security

you can import carbon.crt whatever you generated in CarBONicHOME/repository/resource/security

since wso2 using self sign cirtificate so you must have to available to you RUnTime JRE .

hope you understand what i mean